Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Hey guys!
So I know most of my followers from my other blogs have been waiting for the posts to start going up, and they will. My partner is currently very busy and out of town right now, so she can not help with posts. So we are further delaying the posts so we can keep our regular schedule.
Thanks for understanding!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Posting Schedule

Sunday- no posts
Monday- brain food
Tuesdays- interesting pieces I find
Wednesday- how to's and inspiration
Thursday- bold and helpful links
Friday- lighthearted things to start off the weekend
Saturday- more brain food

Monday, July 28, 2014

Who I am

Hey! So I figured for my first post here, I would explain who I am and what I do and why I'm here. My name is Amber, I have two other blogs beside this one, one of them in a poetry, art, music, and film blog all of it is my own work, and the other one is a fandom blog on Tumblr. I really love blogging and it's a huge passion of mine.
Blogs-          (fandom blog, also includes whatever else I see)      (writing, art, film, music)

I go to an arts school but when I go to college I plan on doing something in medicine but I love business, robotics, economics, and just learning in general. I am also (if you couldn't already tell) very passionate about art and being creative.

I'm still trying to figure out the whole lifestyle blogging thing but I do know this blog is going to mostly be about growing up and trying to be the next Mark Zuckerburg or something. What can we do different, what can I do different? and sharing my adventures through this confusing thing called life.