Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Posting Schedule

Sunday- no posts
Monday- brain food
Tuesdays- interesting pieces I find
Wednesday- how to's and inspiration
Thursday- bold and helpful links
Friday- lighthearted things to start off the weekend
Saturday- more brain food

Monday, July 28, 2014

Who I am

Hey! So I figured for my first post here, I would explain who I am and what I do and why I'm here. My name is Amber, I have two other blogs beside this one, one of them in a poetry, art, music, and film blog all of it is my own work, and the other one is a fandom blog on Tumblr. I really love blogging and it's a huge passion of mine.
http://holyrackofisles.tumblr.com/          (fandom blog, also includes whatever else I see)
http://poetinthestreets.wordpress.com/      (writing, art, film, music)

I go to an arts school but when I go to college I plan on doing something in medicine but I love business, robotics, economics, and just learning in general. I am also (if you couldn't already tell) very passionate about art and being creative.

I'm still trying to figure out the whole lifestyle blogging thing but I do know this blog is going to mostly be about growing up and trying to be the next Mark Zuckerburg or something. What can we do different, what can I do different? and sharing my adventures through this confusing thing called life.